Python Model - Classifier Algorithm
Classifier Algorithm Overview
The following example goes over building a Python model for classifier algorithms. You can find another example of building a Python model for a segmentation algorithm in the Segmentation Algorithm Documentation. Classifier algorithms identify events based on a customizable classifier algorithm within the model..
Example Code
Download the zip file
Unzip the file and open
to view and edit the source codeImport the Python file through the Data Studio

API Overview
The Data Studio allows you to import Python classifiers as models. Imported Python models must implement two APIs
recognize_capture(data, params)
The get_info_json API returns the JSON serialized input contract as a string. The Data Studio UI uses this get_info_json response to dynamically generate a parameters selection screen for the transform.
The recognize_capture API is responsible for taking the input data and parameters from the Data Studio and returning a list of segment label dictionaries which contain the start, end and label name of each segment.
The output should be in the format of a list of dictionaries describing the segments to be added
{'SegmentStart': 0,
'SegmentEnd': 100,
'ClassificationName': 'Label Name'},
{'SegmentStart': 50,
'SegmentEnd': 150,
'ClassificationName': 'Label Name'},
Several helper functions demonstrate how to take the input from the Data Studio and turn it into simple Python functions, as well as some helper functions for turning Python objects back into the format the Data Studio will understand.
Input Contract
The input contract is a list of dictionaries. Each item in the list describes an input parameter that the user can configure. The properties of the dictionary are
name: The name of the parameter
display_name: The name to display in the UI, defaults to name if not included
type: The Type of the parameter (bool, int, float, string)
default: The default value to use for the parameter
description: Description of the parameter that will show up in the UI
range: A tuple of min and max values used to limit the input parameters min and max value, eg [0,100] would mean only values from 0 to 100 would be acceptable
options(optional): A list of options that can be used to create a dropdown selection
num_columns(Reserved): This option is reserved for the “columns” input parameter. It specifies how many input channels are allowed in this function. -1 or empty means unlimited. A specific number like 1,2,3,4 means that number is required.
get_info_json API
The get_info_json API returns the input contract, along with some other information about the transform. When the transform is loaded, this function is called to populate the database with information about the transform. The get_info_json will return a JSON serialized string. Typically, we call the get_info function which returns a dictionary. The get_info dictionary typically will have
name: Name of the Function (used in the UI as the default)
type: Specifies the type of object this is
subtype: Specifies a subtype, this is used for organizing transforms
description: A description of the function that will be shown in the UI
input_contract: A description of the parameters and inputs including types, bounds and options
output_contract: Used to include information about the output of the function
Here is an example of the get_info API for a classification algorithm Python algorithm that you can import as a model into the Data Studio.
def get_info_json() -> str:
return json.dumps(get_info())
def get_info() -> dict:
return {
"name": "Random Classifier",
"type": "Python",
"subtype": "Classifier",
"description": "This will classify segments as either A or B depending on if the sum of the current segment is greater than the segment before",
"input_contract": [
"name": "columns",
"type": "list",
"element_type": "str",
"description": "Column on which to apply the classifier",
"num_columns": 1
"name": "window_size",
"type": "int",
"default": 400,
"description": "The size of the sliding window to apply to the sensor data",
"range": [200, 1000],
"name": "delta",
"type": "int",
"default": 400,
"description": "The size of the slide to apply sensor data",
"range": [200, 1000],
"output_contract": [],
And here is a screenshot of the UI that is generated.

When the user hits save, a model.json file is created inside the imported transforms folder. For this function, here is the model.json file
"input_contract": {
"window_size": 400,
"delta": 400,
"columns": [
Whenever the user updates parameters and saves, this model.json file will be updated.
Recognize Capture API
When the Data Studio runs the model is will call the recognize_capture API of the imported Python function to apply to the sensor data. The Data Studio passes two parameters, the data object and the parameters object. The SensiML Python SDK includes helper functions for converting the objects passed in from the Data Studio into standard Python objects. Let’s look at an example.
This is the main recognize_capture
function for the sliding window algorithm that the Data Studio calls. We use the built-in convert_to_datasegments
function call on the data to turn that into a data_segments
object. This allows us to cast the objects created in the Data Studio to Python types that are easy to work with. Then we run the built-in validate_params
function to validate the input contract and the passed in parameters. After that, we use pass the data_segment and params variables to the segment_data
function which does the segmentation. Finally, we return data to the Data Studio passing it through the to_data_studio function which converts data segments into the appropriate datastudio format.
def recognize_capture(data, params):
data_segments = convert_to_datasegments(data)
params = validate_params(get_info()['input_contract'], params)
data_segments = segment_featurize_classify(data_segments, params['window_size'], params['delta'])
return to_data_studio(data_segments)
The segment_featurize_classify function is here. This takes then input data and creates data segments, extracts features, and classifies the features
def segment_featurize_classify(data_segments: DataSegments, params: None):
data_segments = segment_data(data_segments, get_param(params, "window_size"), get_param(params, "delta"))
data_segments = extract_features(data_segments, params)
datasegments = classify(data_segments, params)
the extract_features function is shown below, it adds a feature vector to the datasegments
def extract_features(datasegments: DataSegments, params: dict) -> DataSegments:
for datasegment in datasegments:
col_index = datasegment.get_column_index(params['columns'][0])
f1 =[col_index, :].sum()
f2 =[col_index, :].abs()
f3 =[col_index, :].mean()
f4 =[col_index, :].min()
datasegment.feature_vector = [f1,f2,f3,f4]
return datasegments
the classify function is shown below, it uses the features in each datasegment to perform a classification. You would replace this function with your model to implement a classifier.
def classify(datasegments: DataSegments, params: dict) -> DataSegments:
last = 0
for datasegment in datasegments:
if datasegment.feature_vector[0] > last:
datasegment.label_value = "A"
datasegment.label_value = "B"
last = datasegment.feature_vector[0]
return datasegments
The to_data_studio function is below, it converts the datasegments into the return object format defined in the API as a list of dictionaries of the format
{'SegmentStart': 0,
'SegmentEnd': 100,
'ClassificationName': 'Label Name'},
{'SegmentStart': 50,
'SegmentEnd': 150,
'ClassificationName': 'Label Name'},
These segments are then stored in the Data Studio and can be edited or saved.