
The DCLProject API lets you analyze and access sensor data stored in the Data Studio .DCLPROJ format. DCLPROJ files are what the Data Studio uses to save your labeled sensor data.

First, we will import and instantiate the DCLProject object. Then, we are going to create a connection to your DCLPROJ file. This will give us access to the information in the DCL so we can more easily perform our analysis.


The API is read-only and does not make any modifications or updates to the DCLPROJ file.

from sensiml.dclproj import DCLProject

dclproj_path = '<PATH-To-File.dclproj>'

dcl = DCLProject(path=dclproj_path)

There are several useful functions in the DCLProject API that will let you explore the data sets. You will be able to see information about each session of labeled data, captured data files, as well as the segments of data. Let’s start by listing the sessions that are in this project.

id name parameters custom preprocess created_at local_status last_modified
0 1 pose_estimation_2 None 1 None 2021-09-28 17:12:19.340477 Synced 2021-09-28 17:12:19.340494
1 3 auto_train_session2 {"inputs":{"input_data":"","first_column_of_in... 0 {} 2021-09-24 17:18:55.405671 Synced 2021-09-24 18:20:59.227769
2 7 general_abs_sum {"inputs":{"input_data":"","first_column_of_in... 0 {} 2021-09-30 23:44:21.626028 Synced 2021-09-30 23:50:41.601792
3 8 Test None 1 None 2021-10-01 20:46:42.223753 Synced 2021-10-01 20:46:42.223778

As you can see there are two sessions in this project. The first one is what we call a custom or manual session, this means that the labels were manually placed by the user. The second one is what we call an auto session, which means the labels were created by a segmentation algorithm.

Next, we will list the segments that are part of the “auto_train_session2” session. To do this we will use the list_capture_segments API.

dcl.list_capture_segments(session= "auto_train_session2")
capture..start capture..end last_modified segmenter capture label_value
0 707 957 2021-09-29 00:03:17.659838 auto_train_session2 stand_start_3.csv normal
1 618 868 2021-09-29 00:05:37.647696 auto_train_session2 stand_start_1.csv Unknown
2 625 875 2021-09-29 00:03:17.660063 auto_train_session2 reach_lift_3.csv normal
3 624 874 2021-09-29 00:05:37.647696 auto_train_session2 reach_lift_1.csv Unknown
4 628 878 2021-09-29 00:05:37.647696 auto_train_session2 reach_lift_0.csv Unknown
5 629 879 2021-09-29 00:03:17.659923 auto_train_session2 lift_stand_3.csv normal
6 671 921 2021-09-29 00:05:37.647696 auto_train_session2 lift_stand_1.csv Unknown
7 680 930 2021-09-29 00:05:37.647696 auto_train_session2 lift_stand_0.csv Unknown
8 637 887 2021-09-29 00:03:17.660142 auto_train_session2 start_reach_3.csv normal
9 825 1075 2021-10-01 21:07:03.549009 auto_train_session2 unknown_reach_start_7.csv start

This provides information about the segments in the captured file. We will pick one of the files and generate a plot which combines the data and the segments for that capture. To do this we will use the plot_segment_labels API. Next, pass a capture name and the session name into the plot_segment_labels API.

df = dcl.plot_segment_labels(["lift_stand_2.csv"], "auto_train_session2")

This generates the above plot and stores data into the df object. df is a DataFrame containing the sensor data from those captures.

Next, we will get the information for the segments for this particular file. To do that we can use the get_capture_segments API.

segments = dcl.get_capture_segments("lift_stand_2.csv", "auto_train_session2")

This returns a DataSegments object, which is a list of DataSegment objects with some additional functionality. To see a plot of all the segments in the DataSegments object, you can call plot API.


Additionally, you can index into the DataSegments to see more detailed information about each segment.

{'label': 'normal',
 'segment_index': 0,
 'uuid': UUID('b650c869-6ec6-1141-8ee7-4f136eb3a18a'),
 'capture': 'lift_stand_2.csv'}
AccelerometerX AccelerometerY AccelerometerZ GyroscopeX GyroscopeY GyroscopeZ
0 -189 200 -79 -7 -2 2
1 -254 338 -161 8 -8 8
2 -25 -97 -235 21 0 -10
3 1 -273 -52 9 9 -28
4 -303 -237 -65 -23 1 17
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
246 -93 586 -358 1 1 -23
247 -71 621 -356 -2 0 -17
248 -106 570 -400 4 3 -10
249 -113 478 -417 4 0 0
250 -136 513 -415 2 -2 12

251 rows × 6 columns

Index(['AccelerometerX', 'AccelerometerY', 'AccelerometerZ', 'GyroscopeX',
       'GyroscopeY', 'GyroscopeZ'],

Finally, we will look at how to apply some transforms to the sensor data and plot the results. We will create two functions, one that generates a new column (the magnitude) and one that scales the data in place.

You can see the example below for how to create these two types of transforms. One of them applies to data inline, the other creates a new column. You can chain one more together as needed.

def mag_columns(x):
    return x[['AccelerometerX', 'AccelerometerY', 'AccelerometerZ']].sum()*0.058501749436316454

def scale_columns(x):
    return x[['GyroscopeX','GyroscopeY', 'GyroscopeZ']]*10

mag_columns_def = {'name':'mag','func':mag_columns, "type":'transform'}
scale_columns_def = {'name':'filter','func':scale_columns, "type":'filter', "columns":['GyroscopeX','GyroscopeY', 'GyroscopeZ']}
df = dcl.plot_segment_labels(["lift_stand_2.csv", "lift_stand_0.csv"], "auto_train_session2", transforms=[scale_columns_def])
df = dcl.plot_segment_labels(["lift_stand_2.csv", "lift_stand_0.csv"], "auto_train_session2", transforms=[mag_columns_def, scale_columns_def], columns=['mag'])

Converting a CSV to DCLI

You can convert a .CSV file into a .DCLI file that can be imported into the Data Studio by using the csv_to_dcli API

sensiml.dclproj.csv_to_dcli.to_dcli(df, label_column, filename, session_name=None, outdir='dcli_export', sensor_columns=None, video_name=None, metadata=None, exclude_labels=None, export_dcli=True, export_csv=True, dcli_name='export.dcli', verbose=True)

This is used to convert a CSV file into a dcli file that can be imported into the DCL

The expected format of a CSV file for this converter is a CSV containing all of the sensor data as well as a column that specifies which label each row corresponds to

Sensor1,Sensor2,…SensorN,Label 13,134,…,146,Running 42,124,…,123,Running 13,342,…,124,Running 12,134,…,123,Running 15,121,…,124,Walking 19,134,…,134,Walking . . . 19,134,…,134,Walking

  • df (dataframe) –

  • label_column – the label column to use for adding segments

  • filename – the name of the file

  • session_name – The session name to use when creating the session for import

  • outdir – the directory to write the exported data to

  • sensor_columns (list) – the column in the DataFrame that are sensor columns, if None use all columns except the label column

  • video_name (str) – path to the video associated with this file

  • metadata (list) – metadata already formatted in the dcli format

  • exclude_labels (list) – labels to exclude when creating this file

  • export_dcli (bool) – creates the dcli file in the outdir folder

  • export_csv (bool) – copies the dataframe of sensor data to the the outdir folder

  • dcli_name (str) – name of the .dcli file to create

The DCLProject class provides read-only access to the .dclproj file that is associated with a Data Capture Lab project. The are a number of helper functions for visualizations and queries.

dclproj_path = ‘<PATH-To-File.dclproj>’

dcl = DCLProject(path=dclproj_path)

sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.create_connection(self, db_file: str) None

create a database connection to the SQLite database specified by db_file


db_file – database file



sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.get_capture(self, capture_name: str) DataFrame

Returns the capture as a DataFrame


capture_name (str) – name of capture

sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.get_capture_metadata(self, capture: Optional[str] = None, include_ids: bool = False) DataFrame

Gets the metadata for the specified capture


capture (str) – name of the capture file


DataFrame containing the metadata associated with this capture

Return type


sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.get_capture_segments(self, captures: Optional[List] = None, sessions: Optional[List] = None)

Returns a DataSegment object of the specified capture and session

  • capture_name (str) – name of capture

  • session (str) – name of session where the labels are

sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.get_captures(self, capture_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) DataFrame

Returns the capture as a list of dataframes


capture_names (List[str]) – name of captures to return, if None returns all captures

sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.get_segments(self, sessions: Optional[List] = None)

Returns a DataSegment object of the specified session


session (str) – name of session where the labels are

sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.list_capture_segments(self, captures: Optional[List] = None, sessions: Optional[List] = None, include_ids: bool = False) DataFrame

Returns a DataFrame of segment information that are in the captures and sessions specified

  • captures (Optional[List], optional) – A list of captures to return segments about. Defaults to None.

  • sessions (Optional[List], optional) – A list of sessions to return segments for. Defaults to None.

Return type


sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.list_captures(self, include_metadata: bool = True) DataFrame

List the captures in the DCLI project file


include_metadata (bool, optional) – If True return the associated metadata information with each capture. Defaults to True.


DataFrame containing the capture information

Return type


sensiml.dclproj.dclproj.DCLProject.plot_segment_labels(self, capture_names: List[str], session: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, transforms: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, figsize: Tuple = (30, 8), ylim: Optional[Tuple] = None, xlim: Optional[Tuple] = None) None

Creates a plot of the labels and raw signal data for a session and one or more capture files.

  • capture_names (List[str]) – List if captures to plot

  • session (str) – name of session to pull the labels from

  • columns (list) – a list of columns to plot from the data label the value is the label it was should be renamed to

  • transforms – additional fucntions to apply prior to plotting the data


>>> def sum_columns(x):
>>>     return x[['Column1', 'Column2']].sum()
>>> func = {'name':'sum','func':sum_columns, 'type':'transform'}
>>> dcl.plot_segment_labels(captures, session_name, columns=['sum'], transforms=[func])
>>> # example of multiple transforms executed in order
>>> def sum_columns(x):
>>>     return x[['Column1', 'Column2']].sum()
>>> def remove_offset(x):
>>>    x['Column1']-=100
>>>    x['Column2']-=200
>>>    return x
>>> func2 = {'name':'filter','func':remove_offset, "type":'filter', "columns":['Column1', 'Column2']}
>>> func1 = {'name':'sum','func':sum_columns, "type":'transform'}
>>> dcl.plot_segment_labels(captures, session_name, columns=['Column1', 'Column2', 'sum'], transforms=[func1, func2])