Release Notes
Current Release
2023.3.0 (11/06/2023)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for models built using the SensiML Embedded SDK v1.5
Past Releases
2023.2.1 (9/13/2023)
What’s New
Minor Features
Adds support for downloading pipelines as .ipynb and .py files
2023.2.0 (8/21/2023)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for downloading and uploading projects
Minor Features
Update SMLRunner to support latest KnowledgePack firmware folder structure
2023.1.3 (4/20/2023)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for audio augmentation in the training pipeline.
Bug Fixes
Fixes the dclproj upload to ignore labels with local status “To Be Deleted”.
2023.1.2 (2/23/2023)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for computing the confusion matrix between two DataSegments objects (ie. model predictions vs ground truth)
Adds support for applying the nearest label_value from one DataSegments object to the DataSegments in another DataSegments obj
Adds support for uploading labels directly from a DataSegments object
Adds the client download_capture API for downloading a single capture files data from a project
Adds the client download_captures API, which is an optimized API for downloading multiple capture files from a project
Removes deprecated DataSegmentsV1 API
2023.1.1 (2/14/2023)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support to SMLRunner for showing the output tensor probabilities from decision tree ensemble and neural network models
Minor Features
Improved error handling for client connection
2023.1.0 (2/02/2023)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for API key authentication
Adds support for uploading projects exported from the SensiML Data Studio in the .dcli format
Minor Features
Adds logging from submitting a sandbox that includes remaining cpu credits and task_id
Bug Fixes
Adds trailing to version checking API
2022.3.2 (12/01/2022)
What’s New
Minor Features
Adds API to get team account resource usage information client.account_info()
2022.3.1 (10/03/2022)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for uploading a project from a .dclproj file
client.upload_project("PROJECT_NAME", proj_path)
Bug Fixes
Fix issue where validating the SDK could fail if connected to a server that doesn’t return a server version
2022.3.0 (9/06/2022)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds a DataSegmentsV2 API which improves and simplifies over the DataSegments API (DCLProj now uses DataSegmentsV2)
Adds an Export KnowledgePack API which allow users to export Knowledge Packs to share or modify with other users and projects.
Adds a create KnowledgePack API that allows users to upload custom knowledge packs which can be compiled using code generation.
Minor Features
Adds support for a version check which warns users if their version of the Python SDK is compatible with the current server version
2022.2.4 (8/04/2022)
What’s New
Minor Features
Improved function docstrings
Adds client.capture_configurations() API for getting capture configurations objects
Adds client.get_pipelines() API for getting pipelines objects
Adds client.get_queries() API for getting query objects
Adds client.pipeline.to_list() API for converting the current pipeline to JSON format
Adds client.upload_sensor_dataframe() and client.upload_feature_dataframe() APIs to upload either DataFiles or FeatureFiles
client.pipeline.set_input_data() now takes an optional group_columns argument
Adds DataFileCall API
2022.2.3 (5/18/2022)
What’s New
Minor Features
Improved documentation
Removed deprecated pipeline seeds API
Renamed the main class in from SensiML to Client (SensiML import still works, but is deprecated)
2022.2.2 (4/27/2022)
What’s New
Minor Features
Adds support setting the color property of a label value
Adds support in the pipeline feature_to_tensor method for converting features to int8 and specifying their shape
2022.2.1 (3/2/2022)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for importing/exporting DataSegments into Audacity labels
Adds support for running Knowledge Packs on Windows using the Python SDK
2022.2.0 (2/15/2022)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for converting a DataSegments object into a .dcli file
Adds support for merging, filtering, and joining the segments of a DataSegments object
Adds support for computing the confusion matrix between two DataSegments objects
Adds support for importing classification results exported from the Data Studio into a DataSegments object
Adds some additional plotting to the DCLProject API for visualizing frequency data along with labels

Bug Fixes
Fixes a bug with the create_query API where session strings would raise an exception
2022.1.0 (2/2/2022)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for converting a .CSV file into a .DCLI file
Minor Features
Remove a number of installation dependencies
Removes deprecated python widgets
2021.11.12 (11/12/2021)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for reading .wav files in DCLProject API
Adds support for checking if the query cache is up to date with the training data
Adds support for uploading custom features that return more than one feature
Adds support for uploading custom features that use a scratch buffer
Minor Features
Improvements to the sandbox response API to return more information
2021.2.1 (10/04/2021)
What’s New
Major Features
2021.2.0 (8/24/2021)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for including custom functions as part of the sensiml pipeline, see documentation here
2021.1.0 (3/17/2021)
What’s New
Update client.create_query to include the option for passing in the Name of the segmenter instead of the id.
Bug Fixes
Fixes issue where refresh token is not reset correctly on failed login.
2020.3.0 (11/10/2020)
What’s New
Adds API for data augmentation pipeline step
Improves snippets functionality for building pipelines
Bug Fixes
Fix issue where data columns were being sorted prior to building pipeline step
2020.2.1 (07/07/2020)
What’s New
Adds API to delete Knowledge Packs
client.delete_knowledgepack(uuid) kp = client.get_knowledgepack(uuid) kp.delete()
Adds API to view featurefiles stored on the server
client.list_featurefiles() client.get_featurefile(uuid)
Adds API to view datafiles stored on the server
client.list_datafiles() client.get_datafiles(uuid)
2020.2.0 (07/07/2020)
What’s New
Adds tensorflow helper functions
Adds support for local queries against Data Studio Project
Adds support for bulk updates/creates for Labels, Label_Values, Capture Label and Metadata Relationships
2020.1.2 (03/03/2020)
What’s New
Ability to query by segment_uuid
Adds more detailed statistics for queries
2020.1.1 (02/12/2020)
Bug Fixes
Fixed bugs with installer
2020.1.0 (01/20/2020)
What’s New
Adds the ability to visually plot features in the model explore widget

Improvements to debug log outputs and addition of profiling option

Adds option for automating the creation of a hierarchical model which can provide increased accuracy but may increase the size of the model

2019.3.6 (11/13/2019)
Bug Fixes
Specifies a version for pywin32 as the latest version is breaking installs
2019.3.5 (10/21/2019)
What’s New
Minor Features
Better rendering of error messages in the Dashboard
Dashboard now resizes the notebook width on refresh
API updates
2019.3.4 (09/19/2019)
What’s New
Major Features
Autosense pipeline now runs asynchronously and has a terminate button
Project and Pipeline are now locked while autosense is running
2019.3.3 (09/19/2019)
What’s New
Major Features
Additional Pipeline settings

Ability to specify custom features for the feature family in the model building step

Added ability to use data files in the model explore widget

2019.3.2 (09/09/2019)
Bug Fixes
Fixes issue with SML_Runner missing function
2019.3.1 (08/22/2019)
What’s New
Major Features
Additional plotting that shows the number of samples for each capture events along with the number of segments

Improvements to the Model Explore widget to allow selecting multiple capture files for model evaluation

Addition of new model selection algorithms Metadata K-fold and Stratified Metadata K-fold to Model Creation Widget

Minor visual improvements
2019.3.0 (07/30/2019)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for SensorTile 1.0 Knowledge Pack creation
Adds support for SensorTile Firmware 1.0 flashing
Overhaul of the Model Creation Widget, which now supports selecting an optimizing for a specific metric along with the Classifier Size in bytes

Addition of the Project Explorer to the Data Exploration Widget

2019.2.0 (06/11/2019)
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for choosing the validation method used in the auto sense pipeline
Adds support for balancing data as part of the AutoSense pipeline
Adds support for query by capture_uuid
Adds post processing to model explore widget for test data that uses a majority voting algorithm over the last N examples
Minor Features
Adds support for displaying the created date to projects, pipelines, Knowledge Packs and captures
Bug Fixes
Fixes issue where downloading a Knowledge Pack after running the autosense pipeline was resetting the settings
2019.1.4 (06/11/2019)
Bug Fixes
Fixes issue with Analytics Studio version number display
2019.1.3 (06/04/2019)
What’s New
Minor Features
Adds status messages information to widget output as well as log output
Previous results for Auto Sense pipeline will now be displayed when logging into the dashboard if available
Sets the width of jupyter notebooks to 95% when import sensiml dashboard
Switch from project level to pipeline level for displaying Knowledge Packs in explore models and create knowledgepack tabs
All list functions now also display the uuid of the object (ie: list_captures, list_capture_configurations…)
Adds a model summary view to the model exploration tab

2019.1.2 (05/16/2019)
What’s New
Model Exploration Widget
Enables viewing confusion matrix in UI
Enables viewing feature summary in UI
Enables testing a model with Test Data captured through the Data Studio

2019.1.0 (05/05/2019)
What’s New
Minor Features
UI improvements to DashBoard widget
Additional documentation
Capture Configuration is selectable in the download widget
Bug Fixes
Removes Metadata from the query widget label field
2.5.6 (03/18/2019)
Bug Fixes
Locking down jupyter notebook to 5.7.5 until his issue is resolved with 5.7.6
2.5.5 (03/14/2019)
What’s New
Minor Features
UI improvements to DashBoard widget
Adds additional documentation
Bug Fixes
Disable jedi autocomplete in ipython as it is causing errors with autocompletion
2.5.4 (03/06/2019)
Bug Fixes
Latest version of nrfutil is causing install failure
2.5.3 (02/28/2019)
What’s New
Compatibility with server release 2.5.1
2.5.2 (02/04/2019)
Bug Fixes
Improvements to DashBoard widget stability
SMLRunner bug fix for get_model
Fixed issue in DashBoard widget where user could accidentally queue multiple pipelines by clicking ‘Optimize Knowledge Pack’ multiple times
2.5.1 (01/15/2019)
What’s New
Updates to Dashboard widget layout
SMLRunner improved state checking
Provides version compatibility checking against the SensiML Cloud server
Generating a Knowledge Pack now displays the local directory path
2.4.1 (10/31/2018)
What’s New
Improvements to pipeline state tracking
Minor documentation updates
2.4.0 (10/24/2018)
What’s New
Improvements to Download Widget
Bug Fixes
Adding some sanity checks to SMLRunner that prevent getting Knowledge Pack in a bad state
2.3.16 (10/17/2018)
Bug Fixes
Stability improvements to sml_runner
2.3.15 (10/09/2018)
Bug Fixes
Fixes bug where sml_runner would enter debug mode
Flash widget now finds zip files from downloads and unzips for Nordic thingy
Improved error reporting from server
Minor stability improvements
Fixes some python 2/3 compatibility issues
2.3.13 (09/10/2018)
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug in feature visualization that was causing incorrect number of plots to show in Python 3
Added DashBoard to top level sensiml import
What’s New
Major Features
SensiML Python SDK now supports python 3.4+ (pip install sensiml)
Adding SMLRunner for calling a Knowledge Pack c library
Minor Features
Pipeline status is returned during pipeline execution
Deprecation Warning
pipeline.set_input_data no longer allows passing of a dataframe, use this practice instead:
client.upload_dataframe('file_name', df) client.set_input_data('file_name', data_columns=...)NOTE: There are minor differences in syntax between python 2 and 3. The most obvious being print statements now require parentheses. ie print(“message”) instead of print “message” cheat sheet for 2-3:
What’s New
Major Features
Adding ability to use the emulator for hierarchical models via recognize_signal
SensiML Python SDK can now be installed/updated through pip (pip install sensiml)
Minor Features
Adding ability to rehydrate a Knowledge Pack summary (this is only the part of the Knowledge Pack that is put on the device)
General stability improvements and bug fixes
What’s New
Minor Features
ModelVisualizationWidget improvements with support for Windows Test App and Feature Vectors DataFrame
What’s New
Major Features
SensiML Dashboard Widget
Minor Features
Visual improvements/bug fixes to all widgets
KP download now includes option to explicitly define source (Audio, Motion, Custom)
SensiML Labs (Experimental Features)
Model Visualization Widget for viewing feature values in real time (early concept)
Bug Fixes
Generating OTA file from Flash widget works without installing nRFgo Studio
What’s New
Major Features
Improvements to all widgets (Query, Download, Flash, AutoSense)
Creation of Dashboard widget
Bug Fixes
Flash widget now working on windows
What’s New
Major Features
Adds support for hierarchical models in Download Widget
Adds ability to upload project data from Data Studio Project
What’s New
Major Features
Added visualizations for comparing features as well as neuron/feature placement
Minor Features
Added ability to specify a capture file as the test data in recognize signal
Added ability to upload a dcl project from the client
Widget optimizations
What’s New
Major Features
Kbclient has been replaced by SensiML as the client for connecting to SensiML’s Rest APIs
Minor Features
Label column is now part of the query
Widget improvements
Query statistics are now displayed when adding a query through the widget
statistics_segments() now detailed information for all segment in that query
statistics() now returns summary information for query
What’s New
Major Features
Widgets - KB Client now has some built in widgets for bring a GUI to some basic functions. Widgets have been created for Querying, Pipeline Automation, and Knowledge Pack Generation