Capture Configuration

A Capture Configuration describes the sensor settings that were used for a Capture file in your Project. All of the Captures in your project should have a Capture Configuration associated with them. Capture configurations are used to:

  1. Maintain data providence and help you maintain your data collection strategy.

  2. Enforce that data used in training a model was collected with consistent methodology.

The Capture Configuration is typically created by the Data Studio when you begin collecting data. However, you can also generate Capture Configurations programmatically using the API methods.



client.project._capture_configurations.create_capture_configuration(name, configuration, uuid)
class sensiml.datamanager.capture_configurations.CaptureConfigurations(connection: Connection, project: Project)

Base class for a collection of Captures.

build_capture_list() dict

Populates the function_list property from the server.

create_capture_configuration(name: str, configuration: dict, uuid: Optional[str] = None) CaptureConfiguration

Creates a capture object from the given filename and filepath.

  • name (str) – desired name of the file on the server

  • configuration (dict) – configuration file

  • uuid (str) – Specify the uuid this configuration will be created with


capture_configuration object


CaptureClonfigurationExistsError, if the Capture already exists on the server

get_capture_configuration_by_name(name: str) CaptureConfiguration

Gets a capture configuration object from the server using its name property.


name (str) – the capture configuration’s name


capture configuration object or None if it does not exist

get_capture_configurations() List[CaptureConfiguration]

Gets all capture configurations from the server.


list of capture configurations for the project

class sensiml.datamanager.capture_configuration.CaptureConfiguration(connection: Connection, project: Project, name: str = '', uuid: str = '', configuration: Optional[dict] = None, created_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, **kwargs)

Base class for a Capture.

property configuration

The local or server path to the Capture file data

property created_at

Date of the Pipeline creation

delete() Response

Calls the REST API to delete the capture from the server.

classmethod initialize_from_dict(data: dict)

Reads a dictionary or properties and populates a single capture.


capture_dict (dict) – contains the capture’s ‘name’ property


capture object

insert() Response

Calls the REST API to insert a new Capture.

refresh() Response

Calls the REST API and self populates properties from the server.

update() Response

Calls the REST API to update the capture.

property uuid

Auto generated unique identifier for the Capture object