Streaming Sensor Data to the Data Studio over Wi-Fi
In some cases, you may want to use a gateway to retrieve sensor data from your device as an intermediary between the Data Studio. The SensiML Open Gateway can be used for this.
Configuring the Open Gateway for Sensor Streaming
These instructions use the Nano33 BLE Sense as an example device, but any edge node that implements the protocol can be used. Connections can be made over Serial, TCPIP, and BLE.
We assume you have already followed instructions for installing SensiML Open Gateway found in the Open Gateway Setup Guide. After starting the SensiML Open Gateway you will need to configure it to connect to the Nano33 over BLE. To configure the gateway:
Open the Home page
Select Device Mode: Data Capture
Select Connection Type: BLE
Click Scan -> Select Nano33
Click the Connect to Device Button

Your device should now show connected

Open the Test Mode page and start streaming

Connecting the Data Studio to the Open Gateway
Now that we have configured the SensiML Open Gateway application, we can start streaming data into the SensiML Data Studio.
Open the sensor Connection Settings

Select Wi-Fi connection method

Enter the address and port of your Device/Gateway

Click Connect

Verify the data is being streamed live into the Data Studio

Now that the data is streaming to the Data Studio, you can begin recording capture files. Files that are recorded will be saved locally and synced up to the SensiML Cloud.