Reading SensiML BLE Characteristics in your application

BLE Characteristic UUIDs

SensiML Knowledge Packs with BLE enabled will print a class id and model id over the following BLE characteristic UUIDs. If you have your own application to read these characteristics all you need are the UUIDs below.

SENSIML_EVENT_SERVICE_UUID = 534D1100-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042 SENSIML_EVENT_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = 534D1101-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042


If you are using a QuickAI device, the UUIDs are different from the standard SensiML Classifier BLE UUIDs. See the QuickAI UUIDs below.

SENSIML_EVENT_SERVICE_UUID = 42421100-5A22-46DD-90F7-7AF26F723159 SENSIML_EVENT_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = 42421101-5A22-46DD-90F7-7AF26F723159

Example Android Applications

SensiML TestApp

The SensiML Toolkit includes the SensiML TestApp. The SensiML TestApp is an Android application that reads the SensiML classification values from the BLE characteristics above and displays them to the user. You can find the SensiML TestApp in the Google Play store at the link below:

SensiML OpenApp Project

If you want to create your own Android application similar to the SensiML TestApp, we provide the source code in a repository called the SensiML OpenApp Project. Download the source code from the repository below:

SensiML Classifier onCharacteristicChanged Event

A SensiML classification will return a Model_ID and Class_ID from the BLE onCharacteristicChanged event. These values correspond to your Knowledge Pack class map and model.

The class map can be found inside the Analytics Studio ‘Download Model’ page or by running the following commands in a new cell through the SensiML Python SDK:

kp = client.get_knowledgepack('<ENTER-UUID>')

See the reference code below for how to read the live classification ModelID and ClassID from the onCharacteristicChanged BLE event in Android. This code is found inside the activity in the SensiML OpenApp Project repository above

final int MODEL_NUM_INDEX = 0;
byte[] data = intent.getByteArrayExtra(BluetoothLeService.EXTRA_DATA_EVENT_CLASSIFICATION);
ByteBuffer wrapBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
int modelId = (int) wrapBuffer.getChar(MODEL_NUM_INDEX);
int classId = (int) wrapBuffer.getChar(CLASSIFICATION_INDEX);

Next Steps: Knowledge Pack Library Integration

If you have your own firmware application and want to make calls directly to Knowledge Pack APIs you can do this using the Knowledge Pack Library format. See more details at the link Building a Knowledge Pack Library