Knowledge Pack Functions

In order to interface with a Knowledge Pack you will need to use the kb.h and kb_debug.h files that get downloaded with your Knowledge Pack.

  1. kb.h - Contains the main APIs for interfacing with your device

  2. kb_debug.h - Contains the main APIs for debugging the Knowledge Pack

You can find the most important functions you will need to interface with a Knowledge Pack below.


Before any other functions are called, you must initialize the Knowledge Pack by calling

* @brief Initialize the parameters of all the models, this function must be run
* before calling any other functions in the knowledge pack.
* @return void.
void kb_model_init();

API Functions

After the model is initialized, you can make use of the following APIs:

* @brief Advance the model so it is ready for new sample data. Call this after
* every classification event is received prior to passing in more data.
* This function will increment the feature bank index and call the
* segmenter advance function.
* @param[in] model_index - index of the model to reset
* @return 1 for success
int kb_reset_model(int model_index);

* @brief Flush the internal data stored in the model's ring buffer.
* Sets the
* @param[in] model_index - index of the model to reset
int kb_flush_model_buffer(int model_index);


* @brief Stream single sample of data into model pipeline
* This is the main entry point into the pipeline. It is designed to work on streaming data
* and takes a single time point of data as an array as input.
* This function implements the following logic:
*   1. Runs any sensor transforms or sensor filters
*   2. Adds that new to the internal ring buffer of the model
*   3. Runs the segmentation against the ring buffer including the new sample
*   4. Runs any segment filters or segment transforms
*   5. Generates Features
*   6. Runs any Feature Transforms
*   7. Classify the resulting feature vector using the classifier and return the result.
* @param[in] pSample Pointer to a single time point of data across sensors (ie. ax,ay,az)
* @param[in] nsensors number of channels of data or columns in pSample
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns Classification results. 0 if Unknown
*                                 -1 when a segment hasn't yet been identified
*                                 -2 when a segment has been filtered
int kb_run_model(SENSOR_DATA_T *pSample, int nsensors, int model_index);

* @brief Add a custom segment to the pipeline
* Setup the model ring buffer with the user provided
* buffer to be used as well as its size.
* @param[in] pSample Pointer to a buffer to use.
* @param[in] len length of the ring buffer.
* @param[in] nbuffs Number of buffers of length len to create in pBuffer pointer.
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
void kb_add_segment(uint16_t *pBuffer, int len, int nbuffs, int model_index);

* @brief Used to run a segment of data through the pipelines.
* This is the main entry point for running chunks of data. Use this after calling
* kb_add_segment. Note, this skips the Sensor Transform and Sensor Filter Logic.
* This function implements the following logic:
*   1. Runs the segmentation against the ring buffer including the new sample
*   2. Runs any segment filters or segment transforms
*   3. Generates Features
*   4. Runs any Feature Transforms
*   5. Classify the resulting feature vector using the classifier and return the result.
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns Classification results. 0 if Unknown
*                                 -1 when a segment hasn't yet been identified
*                                 -2 when a segment has been filtered
int kb_run_segment(int model_index);

//  ADVANCED LOW LEVEL APIs for controlling the model pipeline

* @brief Takes a single frame of data from the sensor at a time
* adds the data to the models internal ring buffer
* @param[in] pSample pointer to the sensor data array.
* @param[in] nsensors number of channels of data or columns in pSample
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns 1 if added 0 if filtered.
int kb_data_streaming(SENSOR_DATA_T *pSample, int nsensors, int model_index);

* @brief Performs segmentation on data stored in the models internal ring buffer
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns 1 if the segment is found -1 if filtered.
int kb_segmentation(int model_index);

* @brief Reset the Feature Generator Bank Index to 0
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns Void.
void kb_feature_generation_reset(int model_index);

* @brief Generates features from the data stored in the models ring buffer
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns 1 if features are generated -1 if filtered.
int kb_feature_generation(int model_index);

* @brief Transform operations on the feature generators stored in the feature banks
*  and places them into the model feature_vector array. This is performed before classification.
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns 1 if success
uint16_t kb_feature_transform(int model_index);

* @brief Increment the feature bank by one for a model
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns Void.
void kb_feature_generation_increment(int model_index);

* @brief Set the Feature Bank index to 0
* @param[in] model_index model index to run.
* @returns Void.
void kb_reset_feature_banks(int model_index);

* @brief Set the feature vector for model index
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] feature_vector to set the model input to
* @returns the count of features that were set
int kb_set_feature_vector(int model_index, uint8_t * feature_vector);

* @brief perform only the classification step classifier for the model
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @returns classification result
int kb_recognize_feature_vector(int model_index);

* @brief Performs the feature transform and classification step on a
* feature vectors
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @returns classification result
int kb_generate_classification(int model_index);


* @brief Get the model header information for model index
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] pointer struct for the particular type of classifier (defined in kb_typdefs.h).
* @returns 1 if successful
*          0 if not supported for this classifier
int kb_get_model_header(int model_index, void *model_header);

* @brief Gets the pointer to 16-byte UUID of model
* @param[in] model_index Model index to get UUID from
* @return pointer to 16-byte UUID for model
const uint8_t *kb_get_model_uuid_ptr(int model_index);
#define sml_get_model_uuid_ptr kb_get_model_uuid_ptr

* @brief Gets the Segment for debug printing, saving.
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @return size of the current segment in the model
int kb_get_segment_length(int model_index);

* @brief Gets the Segment length
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] p_sg_len pointer to fill with segment length
void sml_get_segment_length(int model_index, int *p_seg_len);

* @brief Gets the current index of the segment
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @return current segment index (number of samples the model has received so far)
int kb_get_segment_start(int model_index);

* @brief Get a copy of the current segment in the buffer
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] number_samples the number of samples to pull out of the segment
* @param[in] index the index from the start of the segment to start copying data from
* @param[in] p_sample_data array of size number_samples * number_of_columns (number_columns depends on the model)
* @returns Void.
void kb_get_segment_data(int model_index, int number_samples, int index, SENSOR_DATA_T *p_sample_data);

* @brief Gets the size of the feature vector for a model
int kb_get_feature_vector_size(int model_index);

* @brief Fills fv_arr with the values from the currently computed feature vector
* for model index
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] fv_arr Feature Vector to copy into
* @returns Void.
void kb_get_feature_vector_v2(int model_index, uint8_t *fv_arr);

* @brief Gets the currently computed feature vector for model index
* deprecated
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] fv_arr Feature Vector to copy into
* @param[in] p_fv_len Feature vector length to copy
* @returns Void.
void kb_get_feature_vector(int model_index, uint8_t *fv_arr, uint8_t *p_fv_len);
#define sml_get_feature_vector kb_get_feature_vector

* @brief Fill a result object with information about the latest classification
* @param[in] model_index model index to use.
* @param[in] model result object for specific to the model you are getting results for
* @returns 1 if success, 0 if not applicable to this model type
int kb_get_classification_result_info(int model_index, void * model_results);

* @brief Get Debug logging level, if enabled
* @return 1-4, or 0 if disabled.
int kb_get_log_level();


* @brief Set the number of stored patterns in a PME model to 0
* @param[in] model_index model index to use.
int kb_flush_model(int model_index);
#define kb_flush_model flush_model // deprecated

* @brief Get the information for a pattern from the database
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] pattern_index Pattern index in the classifier to retrieve.
* @param[in] pointer struct for the particular type of classifier pattern (defined in kb_typdefs.h).
* @return 1 if successful
*         0 if not supported for this classifier, or pattern index is out of bounds
int kb_get_model_pattern(int model_index, int pattern_index, void *pattern);

* @brief Add the most recently classified pattern to the database of patterns.
* After receiving a classification, you can tell the model to add this classification as
* a pattern with a specific category as well as an influence field. The larger the field
* the larger the area this pattern can be activated in.
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] category Category to set the for the new pattern.
* @param[in] influence the size of the influence to set (defined in kb_typdefs.h).
* @return 1 if successful
*         0 if not supported for this classifier, or pattern index is out of bounds
int kb_add_last_pattern_to_model(int model_index, uint16_t category, uint16_t influence);

* @brief Adds a new custom pattern to the database with a label and influence field
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] feature_vector the new pattern that you are going to add.
* @param[in] category Category to set the for the new pattern.
* @param[in] influence the size of the influence to set (defined in kb_typdefs.h).
* @returns 0 if model does not support dynamic updates
*          1 if model was successfully updated
*         -1 if the model can not be updated anymore
int kb_add_custom_pattern_to_model(int model_index, uint8_t *feature_vector, uint16_t category, uint16_t influence);

* @brief scores the current model based on the input category
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] category Category to set the for the new pattern.
* @returns 0 if model does not support scoring
*          -1 if the model can not be scored anymore
*           1 if model was successfully scored
int kb_score_model(int model_index, uint16_t category);

* @brief retrain model based on scores
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @returns 0 if model does not support retraining
*          1 if model was successfully retrained
int kb_retrain_model(int model_index);

// Cascade Sliding APIs

* @brief Run model with cascade features that slides
* This performs the same as kb_run_model, but is meant for models using cascade
* feature generation this is different than run model as it will also compute the
* features for each of its children models when it receives a classification,
* Classification results will be 0 if unknown through the classification numbers
* you have. This function returns -1 when it is waiting for more data to create
* a classification.* returns -2 when features were generated for a feature bank
* @param[in] pSample Pointer to a single time point of data across sensors (ie. ax,ay,az)
* @param[in] nsensors (unused currently)
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.

int kb_run_model_with_cascade_features(SENSOR_DATA_T *pSample, int nsensors, int model_index);

* @brief Run model with cascade features that do not slide.
* This performs the same as kb_run_model, but is meant for models using cascade
* feature generation where it will only classify after all of the feature banks
* if the cascade has been filled, then reset the number of feature banks to 0.
* This is different from run model with cascade features, which treats the feature
* banks as a circular buffer and constantly classifiers
* Classification results will be 0 if unknown through the classification numbers
* you have. This function returns -1 when it is waiting for more data to create
* a classification.* returns -2 when features were generated for a feature bank
* @param[in] pSample Pointer to a single time point of data across sensors (ie. ax,ay,az)
* @param[in] sensors (unused currently)
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.

int kb_segment_with_cascade_features(SENSOR_DATA_T *pSample, int nsensors, int model_index);

// Cascade Reset APIs

* @brief Run model with cascade features which waits until an entire new set of
* features are created before performing classification.
* This performs the same as kb_run_model, but is meant for models using cascade
* feature generation where it will only classify after all of the feature banks
* if the cascade has been filled, then reset the number of feature banks to 0.
* This is different from run model with cascade features, which treats the feature
* banks as a circular buffer and constantly classifiers
* Classification results will be 0 if unknown through the classification numbers
* you have. This function returns -1 when it is waiting for more data to create
* a classification.* returns -2 when features were generated for a feature bank
* @param[in] pSample Pointer to a single time point of data across sensors (ie. ax,ay,az)
* @param[in] sensors (unused currently)
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
int kb_run_model_with_cascade_reset(SENSOR_DATA_T *pSample, int nsensors, int model_index);

* @brief This performs the same as kb_run_segment, but is meant for models using cascade
* feature generation where the user desires classifications only after all of the feature banks
* in the cascade have been filled.

* After classification all of the feature banks are emptied.
* This is different from the run model, which treats the feature banks as a circular
* buffer and constantly classifiers popping the oldest and adding the newest.
* Classification results will be 0 if unknown through the classification numbers
* you have. This function returns -1 when it is waiting for more data to create
* returns -2 when features were generated for a feature bank
* a classification
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
int kb_run_segment_with_cascade_reset(int model_index);

* @brief Gets the Feature generation times for a given model
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[out] time_arr Pointer to array to use for feature times
void kb_get_feature_gen_times(int model_index, float *time_arr);

* @brief Gets the Feature generation cycle counts for a given model
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @param[in] cycle_arr Pointer to array to use for feature cycles
void kb_get_feature_gen_cycles(int model_index, unsigned int *cycle_arr);

* @brief Gets the time spent in classification for a given model
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @returns Time spent in classifier for a model classification
float kb_get_classifier_time(int model_index);

* @brief Gets the cycle count of classification for a given model
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @returns Cycle count of classifier for a model classification
unsigned int kb_get_classifier_cycles(int model_index);

* @brief Gets the profiling enabled status of the model
* @param[in] model_index Model index to use.
* @returns 0 or 1, if profiling is disabled or enabled.
bool kb_is_profiling_enabled(int model_index);