SensiML Blog

Newsworthy SensiML Topics and Updates

Creating a Smarthome Device That Is Truly Smart

Building an Acoustic Aware Door Lock Using Silicon Labs' AI Accelerated xG24 Dev Kit
April 26, 2022

Part 1: Using Silicon Labs xG24 Dev Kit and SensiML Analytics Toolkit, we’ll transform a connected door lock into an innovative enhanced security smart lock.

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A Little Bit About TinyML

How does SensiML fit into the picture?
March 16, 2022

We often get asked about TinyML – what it is, how it works, how we at SensiML fit into the picture, and for some real-world examples of how it can it useful. Let’s start with the definition. For this we turn to the authoritative body, the tinyML Foundation (  Here’s what they have to say: “Tiny

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SensiML and Infineon Team Up to Add AI for PSoC™ 6 MCUs

Our SensiML Analytics Toolkit can now work together with the Infineon ModusToolbox™
February 4, 2022

We just announced that SensiML has teamed up with Infineon Technologies AG to deliver a complete AI/ML solution for the Infineon PSoC™ 6 family of microcontrollers (MCUs) and XENSIV™ sensors.  This is great news for Infineon customers as they can now use SensiML’s tools to easily create intelligent IoT endpoints using the ultra-low power and

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Breeze Environmental Platform

Challenge Climate Change : Line Powered Project
November 15, 2021

Making Monitoring Environmental Conditions a Breeze Our third-place winner (line-powered category) in the Challenge Climate Change contest was Attila Tőkés, who created an extremely versatile environmental sensor platform he calls “Breeze.” This platform features a carrier board which can connect multiple sensor boards, a communications module, the QuickLogic QuickFeather board, and a solar panel/charging system along

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Adding Intellect to Industry:

Machine Learning with onsemi's RSL10 SoC
November 11, 2021

  Over the last 200 years or so, increasingly sophisticated automation has driven multiple waves of the industrial revolution and lifted the global standard of living by making manufactured goods relatively inexpensive.  The next wave, which some call the fourth industrial revolution, includes AI combined with robotics to create intelligent machines capable of learning how

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Forest Guardian

Challenge Climate Change : Battery Powered Project
November 10, 2021

The Forest Guardian won the first place in the battery-operated category of our “Combat Climate Change” contest.  We at SensiML thought it was a very creative way to help combat climate change by detecting and reporting on instances of illegal logging. Specifically, the Forest Guardian application works by using a solar-charged battery to power a

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HVAC Performance Optimization

Challenge Climate Change : Line Powered Project
November 10, 2021

For our Challenge Climate Change contest (done in collaboration with QuickLogic and we had two primary categories:  battery powered applications and line powered applications.  Previously we discussed the battery powered winners, now it’s time to take a look at the clever line powered application winners. Our first place finisher in the line powered category was Ralph

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Protecting the Peatlands

Challenge Climate Change : Battery Powered Project
November 10, 2021

The Protecting the Peatlands Project won the second place in the battery-operated category of our “Combat Climate Change Challenge” contest. Peatlands are a special type of wetlands which are particularly valuable for preserving global biodiversity, sequestering carbon, and filtering water.  Unfortunately, a good percentage of the earth’s peatlands have already been eliminated or significantly damaged,

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Illegal Logging Detector

Challenge Climate Change : Battery Powered Project
November 10, 2021

For Alejandro, helping to solve this problem really hit home as it’s a big issue in his native country of Mexico.  In his words, “The environmental effects of illegal logging include deforestation, the loss of biodiversity and the emission of greenhouse gases.  Illegal logging has contributed to conflicts with indigenous and local populations, violence, human rights

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Bird Buddy

A Climate Change Challenge Winning Project
November 10, 2021

We’ve discussed many of the other top applications submitted for our Challenge Climate Change contest (a collaboration between us, QuickLogic, and  Next we’d like to discuss one called “BirdBuddy” – a really interesting project and a 2nd place finisher in the contest. Due to climate change, birds are migrating earlier each year.  Different species in

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Smart Manufacturing with SensiML

Applying AI at the IoT Edge to Injection Molding Processes
August 9, 2021

Opportunities to improve manufacturing processes by adding machine learning sensors at the IoT edge are rapidly emerging. Thanks to a combination of Powerful microcontrollers and multi-core SoCs like the EOS S3 on QuickLogic’s QuickAI HDK High-resolution, low-cost MEMS sensors and microphones Powerful AutoML-based AI tools like SensiML Analytics Toolkit it is possible to bring sophisticated

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