SensiML Downloads

Get the Latest Application Releases For Building Intelligent IoT Endpoints

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SensiML Data Studio

Capture, label, and manage your time-series sensor datasets.

Windows 10
Version: 2025.1.0

SensiML Analytics Studio

AutoML application to easily generate device-optimized IoT firmware from your labeled datasets.

Web Application
No download required.

SensiML TestApp

Test SensiML firmware performance on-device to validate your intelligent sensor application.

Android Mobile
Version: 2024.1.0

SensiML Python SDK

Extend SensiML's AutoML interface with Python running in the Jupyter Notebook execution environment.

Python Library

Install just the client library.

SensiML Open Gateway

Open-Source utility for IoT sensor data acquisition

Windows 10
Version: 2022.5.18.0
GitHub Repository

Get the code.