About six months ago we, the folks at QuickLogic, and the Avnet Hackster.io online community announced our Challenge Climate Change contest. The idea was to encourage creative smart technology projects that improve awareness, change behavior, or optimize processes to impact climate change for the better. Towards that end, we opened up the contest to developers around the globe and challenged them to present their best ideas for AI-enabled IoT applications using our Analytics Toolkit and QuickLogic’s open-source QuickFeather Development Kit.
There were so many amazing tinyML solutions addressing climate change that it was difficult for our panel of judges to select the very best. However, six ideas rose to the top (three in the “battery-powered” category and three in the “line powered” category). Here they are in order:
Battery Powered Category
- First Place: Forest Guardian by Pratyush Mallick – A low-power solar-run device that detects illegal logging using acoustic data.
- Second Place: Protect Peatlands by Mithun Das – A solar-powered device designed to conserve peatlands by predicting early signs of drying, drought or fire.
- Third Place: Illegal Logging Detector by Alejandro Sanchez – A low-power battery-operated device that detects a chainsaw and human voice in the forest.
Line Powered Category
- First Place: Optimization of HVAC Performance by Ralph Yamamoto – A remote sensing device that monitors and adjusts the performance of a residential HVAC system to improve energy efficiency.
- Second Place: BirdBuddy by Kevin Loeffler – An audio-sensing device to track the changing migration patterns of specific birds to better allocate conservation resources.
- Third Place: Breeze by Attila Tőkés – A sensor and communication device that monitors air quality and other environmental factors, specifically designed for areas where such monitoring is unavailable or insufficient.
These ideas (and the many others submitted) have the potential to become eventual products and contributions to the problem of climate change through monitoring, analysis and reporting of many of the key indicators associated with this problem.
Nice work and our thanks to everyone who participated, along with our heartiest congratulations to the winners!
To check out the projects, please visit our Hackster page
* All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.

We’ve teamed up with QuickLogic and Hackster.io to create the “Challenge Climate Change” contest

SensiML tools together with the QuickFeather dev kit create a flexible platform for developers to add AI and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities to endpoint IoT applications quickly.