Espressif* ESP32-PICO-D4 240MHz dual core, 600 DMIPS, 520KB SRAM, 4MB Flash, Wi-Fi
Pre-enabled Sensor Types
MPU6886 6DoF accel+gyro
Additional Available Sensors
Knowles SPM1423HM4H-B Microphone
Available External Sensor Interfaces
GPIO, Grove (I2C+I/0+UART)
Pre-enabled Connectivity
WiFi, Serial
Programming Environment
Arduino, PlatformIO
Firmware Flashing
M5StickC PLUS has built-in programming and debugger via USB-C connection to PC, no separate board or debug cable is required.
Firmware Flashing Guide
Useful Links
M5Stick Board Support Documentation, Wizard Wand Game Application Example, DCL Data Collection Reference FW App