STMicroelctronics STWIN + Future Electronics Compagno Sensor Board | SensiML

STMicroelctronics STWIN + Future Electronics Compagno Sensor Board

Compagno is a multi-sensor wireless edge node evaluation board designed by Future Electronics System Design Center as a companion board to work with the STMicroelectronics STWIN (STEVAL-STWINKT1) SensorTile wireless industrial node development kit. The Compagno board provides additional sensing capabilities including CO2, VOC, particulate matter and 8x8 temperature grid imaging.

STElectronics STWin Dev Kit and Future Electronics Compagno Sensor Board

STM32L4 Arm® Cortex-M4, 32-bit (STM32L4R9)

Pre-enabled Sensor Types

Panasonic GridEYE 8×8 thermal array sensor,
ST IIS3DWB 3DoF accel, ST IMP34DT05 microphone

Additional Available Sensors

Sensirion SCD30 CO2 Sensor, ST LPS22HH pressure sensor, + others

Available External Sensor Interfaces


Pre-enabled Connectivity

USB, Serial, Bluetooth 4.2 BLE (ST BlueNRG-MS)

Programming Environment

Compilers: Arm Keil, IAR Systems

Firmware Flashing

Separate ST-LINK (ex. STLINK-V3MINI) device and 14-pin ribbon cable required

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